
Showing posts from March, 2024

Diary: 2024-03-31: Sunday is Funday

Greetings and welcome to Katie's Inn and Tavern. We serve the finest mead and gruel money can buy. Come on in and have a seat, a server will be with you shortly.  Please note, that we do not tolerate fighting. If you feel the need to defend your honor, please do so outside or we will have Carlos come and he will remove you forcibly from the establishment. Enjoy your stay.

Diary: 2024-03-30

Today was book club. It was nice to see everyone in the book club again. I am starting to make some good friendships with this group of people. We meet at the same local coffee shop. I have been so busy that I barely finished the book in time. It didn't help that the book was really big. This month, we read "11/22/63" by Stephen King. It surprises me how many people don't realize that Stephen King doesn't just write horror books. This book is a great example. This book is a time travel/sci-fi novel. The book takes place in the modern time when someone finds a portal back to 1958. After a little experimentation, this person finds out that if they make any change to the timeline, they can use the portal to go forward to see the results. Then they can go back through the portal to 1958 to reset their changes. For some reason, the person becomes obsessed with preventing JFK's assassination.  After many different tries, he finall

Diary: 2024-03-29

   I was so busy at work today. I tried to focus on getting some work done, but I kept getting called into meetings. I don't know why, but whenever I am close to going on vacation, everyone decides that they need my help on something. I had a management meeting and then had to spend most of the afternoon with Clara. She has a lot more month-end reports than I do. I was so into work, that I almost stayed too long and would have missed my evening then Maria. Even so, I had to rush home and change to get to the restaurant on time.   Maria and I decided to go out for sushi after work. I managed to be only a few minutes late. We took a seat at the bar and ordered some wine and sushi. We've eaten here enough that the bartender remembers us. The bartender's name is Hope and she is so sweet. Maria and I are always impressed with how much she makes in tips as a bartender. She also told us about her new BMW (new to her) that she just bought.   

Diary: 2024-03-28

  Although I worked from home, I still had two client presentations today. I am glad they both went really well. My manager has asked that I not schedule any client presentations while I am gone as he doesn't want to do them. I guess I have developed a reputation for doing a good job. As such, I have quite a few next weeks and the week after I get back. Our sales department has been working overtime responding to RFPs (Request for Proposals).    I got a call from an unknown local number today. I was surprised when it turned out to be a private investigator. I guess Lee's wife must have gone to the restaurant as she is filing for divorce. The PI works for her lawyer. I answered all his questions and when he asked if I was willing to testify, I said was would. I also gave him the name of the woman he was dating before me. He said someone from the law firm would be in contact with me to set up a time to give a sworn affidavit. Although I would never w

Diary: 2024-03- 27

Well, I guess I had it coming. On Monday, it was announced that the manager of accounting would be taking maternity leave and I felt sorry for the poor soul that would be taking on the extra work load. Well, now I get to feel sorry for myself because that poor soul is me. When I get back from my vacation, I will start working with her to learn all I need to cover her job. I briefly talked to her. Accounting has a staff of five people. From what she said, I don't think it will be too much extra. Her and her husband are both excited for the baby as this will be their first. The rest of the day went fine. Before I left for home, I called Larry to find out how the surgery when and he said his daughter was doing fine. They were able to remove the tumor and she is recovering. She is going to be in the hospital for a few days, but she is expected to make a full recovery. They sent the tumor off to biopsy and should know more on Friday. I do hope that it is found to

Diary: 2024-03-26

  I have to say, I love that I do not schedule any meetings or presentations on Tuesdays. I get to stay home and get so much work done. I did call Dave, the division manager, and told him about Larry's family issue. He agreed that Larry could take as much time off as he needed with pay. Larry has been a great asset to the division and this is the least we can do for him. Plus, I know that when is daughter gets to go home, we will work from home while he takes care of her.