
Showing posts from January, 2024

Diary: 2024-01-31

       Given all the late nights I have had the past few days, I was glad to day was a work from home with no presentations. I actually managed to get all my month end reports done and got caught up on my other work. It was strange, but nice as no one from work called me. I had to call a couple of my staff, but otherwise, my phone was quiet. At least until after work when Lee called.   He asked me if I wanted to go to the movies on Friday. I, of course, said yes. He said the movie was a surprise but assured me that is was getting great reviews and that I would love it. We talked a bit longer when he said he had to go. I was hope to talk with him longer, but I will see him on Friday, so it is all good. Looks like I will be getting to bed early tonight after all.  Cheers for now

People's Reactions

Hello, it is Chris here. In this article, I want to talk about the reactions of people when you tell them you are a doll owner. Telling someone that you own a doll is a very nerve-racking and scary thing to do. Given society's view on sex dolls, the big fear is either the loss of a friend or worse, being ostracized by your friends and family. This is why so many doll owners are closeted about it. We have a saying: we are not ashamed of what we do, we are just very selective in whom we tell.  A friend gave me some sage advice about if you should tell someone about your doll. Ask yourself, "What is there to gain by them knowing?" Then ask, "What is there to lose by them knowing?" A person might say that it is not worth telling anyone about it, but that can be very hard if you are very passionate about your doll (not sex-related, see this for more info), then you will want to share as it is what makes you happy or even is a creative outlet.   Something very

Diary: 2024-01-30

     Work today was pretty hectic. I managed to finish all but one month end report. I also contact each of my team members to talk to them about the next couple of months of work coming up and to make sure they were not taking any vacation time (at least not more than a day or two).      I met with Maria after work for drinks. We ended up taking late into the evening. I told her about how Lee and I were doing. She was happy for me. I listen to her tell me about Mike, her boyfriend. He is in computers and travels a lot for work. I told Maria that we have that in common as Lee travels a lot too. We ended up ordering a plate of bar "nachos." They were as bad as they sound, but that didn't stop us from eating the entire plate. It was great having some girl talk.   Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-29

  Today was another busy day at work. Being month end, I have extra reports to do as well as my normal work. I got so head down into work that I almost missed the management meeting. It was announced that the sales team has been working overtime and we have a lot of new proposal coming. I checked the schedule and am glad that no one in my staff has any time off planned. I am going to need everyone if we hope to get all the proposals done on time. New Year, new budget so lots of new projects.   I had a great time at the game yesterday with my friend Lara. It would have been better (for me) if the Lions would have won, but I still had a great time and Lara is fun to hang out with. I guess now I will have to cheer for the 49ers in the Super Bowl. Obviously, I did not get a lot of sleep last night and got home really early this morning. As soon as I got home, I showered, changed and then headed to the office. As such, I am exhausted. I am heading to bed when I get home. Chee

Diary: 2024-01-28: Sunday is Funday

      I am Katie-patra, queen of the Nile. I rule from Lake Nasser to the fertile delta. I will lead my kingdom into a new golden era. Other kingdoms will know the power of Katie-patra.   Now I hear there is a man named Mark to see me. He is from the kingdom across the sea. I am sure this will end well for me. Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-27

    Today is turning out to be a nice relaxed day. It started off with cuddling with Lee in bed. I love how he runs his fingers through my hair. After another round of "snuggling", I got up and made us some breakfast before he left. I have no plans for the day so I am just going to putter around the house.   Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-26

      Tonight was my date with Lee. So far, he has been such a perfect gentleman, but I am ready to take our relationship to the next level. I tried on our last date to give him hints, but being a gentleman, I think he missed them. As such, I decided to remove all doubt. Time to go Borg Mode: his resistance will be futile. I don't know what his plans for the night is, but mine is to wake up in his arms.     He picked me up for the date and I could tell that the dress was working as I caught a few time during the night looking at me. Dinner was wonderful. Afterwards, he took me back home and I invited him into my house. He asked "for some coffee?" I smiled and said, "If that is what you want call it." This produced a big smile on his face and he followed me into my house. I can now say that not only is he handsome and a gentleman, but now I have a couple more reasons to love this man. I hope you had as good an evening as I did. Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-25

     I got a very nice surprise at work today. After lunch, I got called into the director's office. He had the VP of operations and the VP of Sales on a call. They all wanted to thank me and my team for our hard work on the proposal last week and to tell me that we got the contract. The client said they were very impressed with how professional I was. I was a bit speechless. Both VPs thanked me and then said they were going to authorized some money so I could take my team on a team building event. That was so nice. I sent an email out to my team, telling them about the team building event, asking for ideas and dates that would work best. I also told them that this would include their families. My staff is excited.   Tonight, Uncle Bob called me to personally thank me and to make sure I wasn't upset about the accusations made by the sales person. I assured him was I wasn't upset and I am just glad that we got the contract. He couldn't talk for long as he

Diary: 2024-01-24

       I got a call from my mom after work today. She is doing really well. She has started getting around on her own using crutches. She also filled me in on everything that has been going on in the family. It was nice catching up on what has been happening with my aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.  My mom sounded in great spirits, although she was starting to feel a little cabin fever. She did say that my father's cooking had gotten better. Turns out, he has been watching videos on cooking so he could make her better food.   Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-23

     Today was a much needed work from home day. I didn't have any presentations to do. As such, I was able to get some work done. I was behind on reviews and reports. I was able to be so focused, it was 2 in the afternoon before I realized I hadn't any lunch. I was able to get so much work done. Another thing good about working from home today as I didn't have to go out in the weather. We are in the middle of a cold spell and I prefer warm over cold. I would much rather be on a tropic beach then out in a snow storm.   Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-22

  Since Larry was working in the office today, I took him out to lunch as a way to say thanks for working on that proposal. He did a great job, especially since he had such little notice and time. I also let him know what had happened and why we had the wrong version of the RFP and notes. I also let him know that the presentation went really well. Larry is a great proposal writer and I wanted to make sure he knew that none of what happened was his fault. I also got caught up on his daughters. He always talks like he is doing a terrible job as a single dad, but I think he is doing an amazing job. I made sure to tell him that. Later in the afternoon, I got a call from the sales person, apologizing for what they said about my department during last weeks call. She also said that she had contacted the client and they were impressed with the presentation and that we are very much in the running for the contract. I was glad that she called me as it did hurt when she insulted my

Diary: 2024-01-21: Sunday is Funday

    Being a Teen Titan is a lot of fun and the other Titans are good people. The only down side is Beast Boy. When he gets drunk, he forgets he is house broken and will relieve himself in the house. Whenever he does it, we rub his nose in it and make him go outside. Mostly we just keep the alcohol away from him.     Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-20

    Tonight was supposed to be my date with Lee, however, he called today and said he had to cancel. His boss needs him to fly out of town early in the morning. We did reschedule for next Friday. That is two weeks in a row. Last week, I was out of town and this week, he has to go out of town. I do understand, but I am still bummed as I was really looking forward to the date. So now I am sitting on the couch, drinking wine and eating a bag of Cheetos, and watching Netflix. I couldn't even call my sister as she was working tonight. I hope your evening went better than mine.     Cheers for now.

Diary: 2024-01-19

     After all finger pointing and the late night, the presentation went really well. I was even able to spin our screw-up into a positive by pointing out that any company can be great when nothing goes wrong. Real customer service comes through when things go wrong and as evident by this presentation, our company will do everything it can make the contract right. By the end, they seemed very happy and said that we were definitely in the running. I did share this with my manager, who shared it with the sales team. We will see if we get the work, but I am hopeful.    After the week I had, I decided after work to go have a drink (or two). I grabbed a seat at a bar near my house. After ordering some food and a drink, I struck up a conversation with a cute older couple whom were also sitting at the bar. They had been married for 53 years. In fact, they were celebrating their anniversary. It was so sweet to listen to them tell me about their kids and grand kids. By the end of

Diary: 2024-01-18

    Today was a mess at the office. As soon as I got to the office, I was called into a conference call about the messed up proposal. My manager, the sales person that put the proposal request together, the VP of sales and the VP of Operations. I don't think I will understand why some people get stuck on the problem and not the solution. They wanted to drag Larry, the person that wrote up the proposal, into the meeting, but I told them not to as 1) he was working on the new proposal, and 2) I know he wrote up the proposal to the specifications that were available on the network. This last statement got the sales person all in a dither. She started saying that wasn't right as you can check the network and see the correct version is there. This caused a debate that went on for a good 30 minutes. I did take some offense when the sales team said the proposal team was incompetent. I finally spoke up. I pointed out that the last update date on the document on the networ

Diary: 2024-01-17

     I was not ready for what happened today. I had a big proposal presentation to do today. Larry did the proposal and I went over it to make sure it was right, especially since it was for such a big contract. I went over the RFP (Request for Proposal) several times. I was feeling pretty confident when the presentation started. However, it quickly fell apart. Almost as soon as I started, they stopped me and asked what I was presenting for. I was confused and after talking with them, it turns out that the RFP that we wrote the proposal for was over a year old and had already been awarded. I apologized and pleaded for them to give us more time to get the correct proposal. They reluctantly agreed to give us till Friday. After the call, I logged into our network and to my shock, the RFP and notes had changed. I quickly called Larry and asked him to please re-do the proposal, based on the new documents. I assured him that he had not messed up. I then walked into my manager

Diary: 2024-01-16

     After work, Hannah and I wanted to catch up, plus there was this new place in town we both wanted to try. The place was packed, but we found a couple of spots at the bar. The food was really good and it had a very vibrant atmosphere.    Hannah is still dating the woman from the DMV. Hannah is planning on flying to Iowa to meet her family. Things are getting pretty serious. I told Hannah about Lee. I am glad he was understanding about my mom and we rescheduled for this Saturday. I will say that I was gushing a bit about him, but Hannah brought me back to earth and told me to not become blind. It is too early in the relationship. This is why she is one of my best friends, she keeps me grounded.     Cheers for now.