A What Doll?


Hello everyone. My name is Chris and I am the person behind Katie Doll. At the time of writing this, I am fairly new to the doll world and community (just over a year). When I first got Katie, I only had societies stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma of people with dolls and what they do with those dolls. I quickly came to realize that these dolls can and do so much more than just sex. I thought it would be good to share what I have learned. When I purchased Katie, my thought for doing so was to help me deal with issues I had from a marriage that ended a few years ago, issues of sex and intimacy. 

In this article, we are going to talk about what these dolls do for people. To do this, I will talk about them in 4 groups (okay, 3 groups and a catch-all group). These groups are based on how the owner uses/experiences the doll. Most owners will have their doll fall into more than one group.  These definitions are my own and while some doll owners might disagree with the actually terminology, none would disagree with what these doll can do/provide.

I will also refer to the owners of these dolls in a gender-neutral format as doll owners include both men and women. Although you can argue that the majority of owners are men, we should not overlook the female owners who also enjoy these dolls (and yes, dolls come in both female and male form).  Let us begin.


The Sex Doll

Someone who buys a doll just for sex. This is what people think of when they hear you have a sex doll. It is also the common name given to the dolls by retailers.  The truth is that very few people have one of these dolls for this reason alone. Now, it might be the reason they bought it, but for them to keep the doll, they will typically discover another reason. People who purchase a doll for sex only suffer the highest buyer’s remorse rate. These dolls are not cheap (between $1,000 to over $5,000) and heavy (70-100+ pounds).

 The Companion Doll

Someone that finds companionship in a doll. Among the doll owner community, many people find the dolls to be amazing companions. People find that these dolls can provide comfort, a sense of touch and feel, emotional support, a tool against loneliness, and a friend in both good and bad times. My doll is the perfect companion for me, making me feel like I am not alone and comforting me when I am down. When my mom died last year, I had nobody to comfort me except my doll. I placed her arms around me, and I cried in her arms, and I was comforted. Also, with a companion doll, you can enjoy the company of the doll, like sitting on the couch and watching a movie together. 

The Love Doll

This group is a combination of the Sex Doll and Companion Doll. Although I had said that many dolls will fall into multiple groups, this group is more than just the first two combined. This group includes owners who have a deep connection to their dolls.  This group includes people who consider their dolls to be a boyfriend/girlfriend. Some people even marry their dolls. There is a website: DollWedding.net, where you can register your engagement, have the ceremony, and get a marriage certificate. Obviously, this is not a "Legal"  marriage that would be recognized by any government, but that doesn't matter to some people. These people are not looking for the legal benefits of marriage, only that they feel it is "real."



This is a catch-all group for all the other types of uses people have for their dolls. Dolls are wonderful and versatile, and the ways people use their dolls are amazing. Here is a short list:


People use their dolls as models for photography. If you want to get into people photography, a doll is a great option as you never have to pay for them to model. A doll is a great way to build your skills as a photographer. Many doll photographers have home setups that any professional photographer would envy.


Dolls offer a unique way of helping people deal with relationship issues. They can offer a safe, judgement-free way to help someone deal with issues like trust, intimacy, porn addiction, and even loneliness. I can personally attest to the power that these dolls have when the person really wants to improve themselves.

Cross Dressing

This might seem odd, but there is a group that uses their dolls as a way to "cross-dress."  These are people who are fascinated by dressing as the opposite gender but for some reason, do not feel comfortable dressing themselves. Dolls provide an outlet that allows the person to dress the doll in those clothes and feel like they have dressed themselves by projecting their personality onto the doll. It is a way to experience the best of both worlds, being both male and female. 

Artistic Outlet

Many doll owners start by taking photos of their dolls and then the creative bug bites them and they  expand to AI enhancement, AI art, and/or storytelling. Whatever creative itch they might have, the doll allows them a way to express it.  Some even use them to advocate for human rights. The only limit to what a doll can do is the limit of the owner's imagination.

This is just a short list of some of the things people do with their dolls. You might notice that most of these categories do not mention sex.  That is because sex is only a part of what these dolls have to offer. For each person, what their doll represents will be based on them and what they need from the doll. 


So, why did I write this? Who is my target audience? It is not for the doll owner as they have already figured this stuff out. I see three groups of people that can benefit from this article.

  1. People thinking about getting a doll. When I got my doll, all I knew them for was sex (thank you society, and your terrible stereotypes). I was blown away by the companionship and non-sexual joy that they bring into your life. If you are thinking about getting a doll, understand that they offer so much more than sex, and don't be surprised if your doll turns out to mean more to you than just a tool for self-gratification.

  2. People who do not want a doll but are curious why anyone would want one and what they do with them. The only way to fight ignorance is with education. This was not written to convince you that sex dolls are for everyone, and you should get one, but rather to help you understand that they are not just about sex and for some people, offer a tool for better mental health and/or an artistic outlet. The people who own these dolls are not social deviants who need to be ostracized, but rather are normal people, dealing with life the best way they can. You don't have to approve of what we do, but you also don't have to hate us for it.

  3. I would include people that dislike/hate the doll community as their only knowledge are the stereotypes and misconception generated by society. I would love to think that if they read this article, they might be less fearful/hateful to this community, but the truth is that their minds are usually closed and no amount to discussion will ever change that. It is like they hear "sex doll" and they stop listening.  Sadly, these are the people that need this information the most as they are the ones that will lash-out at a member of this community, ostracizing and mocking the individual. These people are like the town folk in the story of Frankenstein, they fear what is different and  don't understand. And instead of trying to understand, they grab their pitchforks and torches and try to run the person off.

I hope you found this helpful and maybe even learned a thing or two. This article is the beginning of what dolls can do as the doll community is truly the most open, accepting, and non-judgmental community I have ever encountered. 

Much love, 



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