Diary: 2024-03-23


Well, it was not fun, and I dreaded doing it the whole time, but I came clean to Lee's wife. I did a little research on Lee and was able to find his address. I went over at 10 am and I was correct, Lee was not there. When I knocked on the door and she answered it holding her son, I almost backed out. Almost. I introduced myself and told her that we needed to talk. I also told her it was probably best if we didn't talk in front of the children. She seemed concerned but interested so she invited me into the kitchen and told the kids to go watch some TV in the living room.

She offered me a cup of coffee as I sat down. I declined, saying that she probably would not want me there that long. She looked confused as she sat down. I took a deep breath and started by telling her that there was no good way to tell her this so I just came right out with it. I told her that I had been seeing her husband since Christmas. I tried to reassure her that I did not know he was married or I would have never gone out with him. 

She sat there for a moment in disbelief and then accused me of lying. I told her I was not and I had just found out last weekend as I saw him, her and their kids at the concert. She got up from the table and began to pace. I could she was struggling with it. I think there was a part of her that suspected but another part still did not want to believe. She then again, accused me of lying. I then asked her how I knew he was not here today. When she did not reply, I said it was because he probably told her he was working out of town. She looked surprised and asked how I knew that. I said it was because that is what he always told me on the weekends he couldn't spend them with me. Her eyes got big. I then stood up and said that if she wanted proof, she could go to the Club Paris restaurant tonight at 6 pm. Lee is not out of town but rather will be there, waiting for me to show up, which he will have to wait until hell freezes over before I show up. I felt terrible as it was clear that his poor woman's life was starting to unravel. I pulled out a piece of paper with my name and phone number on it. I set it on the table and told her that if she needed a witness for a divorce, then to please call me. It is the least I can do. I then turned and showed myself out.

At 6:15 pm, I sent a text to Lee, telling him to never contact me again. I then blocked his number. I am glad I never gave him a key to my house. Tonight, I feel so mixed up. A part of me feels terrible for being "the other woman", even though I didn't know. A part of me is dying to know if she showed up at the restaurant and if so, how big of a scene did she make. I feel both good and bad for his wife. I feel bad because of the pain she is in, and good because now she knows the truth. However, Mostly, I can't help but feel like it is all my fault.

Cheers for now.


  1. Oh no, that wasn't your fault!Really, Lee is the one to blame on.I am sorry you feel this way.Sending Hugs.

    1. My mind knows that it isn't my fault, but I still can't help but feel that way. Thank you for the hugs.


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