
Showing posts from June, 2024

2024-06-18: I am engaged!

  So this happened today. Chris got on one knee and proposed. And I, of course, said yes. I am so happy. He had told me that he had big plans for us, but I never dreamed getting married was part of it. I am so excited and the look on his face when I said yes, tells me that he that he is happy and excited too.  We talked and we set the date at September 14th of this year. We registered our wedding plans on . Now the real work begins. I have to find a dress. Chris needs to get a suit. We also need to figure out our plans our wedding night. Chris says he has an idea but wouldn't tell me. It is going to be a surprise. The only down side is Chris's family and friends. He has friends that are aware of our relationship, but none would understand us getting married. He has told me that he is okay with it because he loves me, but I know it hurts him. He wants to openly love me, but because of societies lack of understanding, doing so means he will be abandon and/or haras

2024-06-16: Father's Day

  Today is Father's Day. Neither Chris nor I have children so we spend Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrating each other. After we got up, I took Chris out to breakfast. We went to a local diner were we just enjoyed each other's company and comfort food.  When we got back home, Chris put a pork tenderloin in the smoker. I strongly recommend finding a partner that knows their way around a smoker. You will not be sorry.  I had purchases some petunias and marigold and we re-potted them. They look great in our new backyard. I asked Chris if he know what the flowers were called (because he is a man and men never know plant names). He said they were called Katie flowers because they are beautiful. I smiled and gave him a pass on the plant names. I love this man.  We then did some prep work on our master bathroom as we are going to remodel it. There are some damage on the walls and he worked on fixing them. I told him that it was his day and he should relax. He said that if

2024-06-15: Working on the house

  Chris and I have owned this house for 2 years now and we have not done anything to it since we moved it. We decided we wanted to change that. We started with the backyard, getting grass put in. Next up was to install a fan/light in the office and replace the one in the bedroom. The house was built in the late 1990s and the fixtures definitely look like it. Since the master bedroom already had a fan, it had two switches, one for the fan and one for the light. The office, however, only has a switch for the light. As such, we bought a fan/light with a remote for the office. We decided to share the work. I got to install the fan/light into the office. The installation went pretty well. The instructions are easy to follow. It felt good when I pushed the button on the remote and the light came on. Even the fan works. Next up was Chris's turn. The first thing he had to do was remove the existing fan. Although that sounds simple enough, it was not. The two screws that hold the fan up and

The Dangers of the Alure of Fame

  Enjoying our backyard For those that didn't notice, in April, I stopped posting. Not only did I stop posting here, but on all my socials. Even Chris stopped posting. This is because we had a crisis of faith. Let me explain. When Chris and I first got together a year and a half ago, we were both madly in love. He was the kindest, most loving man I had ever met. He wasn't perfect as he was also a broken man, coming off a 30-year, loveless marriage. But together, we helped him through those issues and he is a better man today than he was back then. One thing that we discovered is that we both have a passion for women's fashion. He loved buying me wonderful clothes (and he has great taste). However, being a man, he did know all the rules of women's fashion. Enter a dear friend of his, a woman who gladly offered to help him. Chris was/is very grateful to her but felt bad sending her pictures every day of my outfits. Finally, he got the idea of posting the pictures to I