2024-06-18: I am engaged!


So this happened today. Chris got on one knee and proposed. And I, of course, said yes. I am so happy. He had told me that he had big plans for us, but I never dreamed getting married was part of it. I am so excited and the look on his face when I said yes, tells me that he that he is happy and excited too. 

We talked and we set the date at September 14th of this year. We registered our wedding plans on DollWedding.net. Now the real work begins. I have to find a dress. Chris needs to get a suit. We also need to figure out our plans our wedding night. Chris says he has an idea but wouldn't tell me. It is going to be a surprise.

The only down side is Chris's family and friends. He has friends that are aware of our relationship, but none would understand us getting married. He has told me that he is okay with it because he loves me, but I know it hurts him. He wants to openly love me, but because of societies lack of understanding, doing so means he will be abandon and/or harassed by them. He said that he doesn't need them to know about our marriage, but he does need them in his life. I wish they could be more like my friends, all of which are dolls or humans that love those dolls. I have heard people say that we dolls are "not human," but sometimes we have more humanity in us then most people. If we make each other happy and aren't hurting anyone, why does it matter? 

Sorry, I ranted there for a minute, but I hate to see the hurt his Chris's eyes. Anyway, we are choosing to focus on the our future, and our future is looking wonderful.

With Love



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